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zipzipzipzip526 karma

My mum is a vegetarian that eats fish (pterodactyl or whatever they're called) but she can never resist KFC gravy, eats it with a spoon

zipzipzipzip105 karma

I wish there were more porn stars who looked like you and less who look like, you know, porn stars. Anyway, a question.... Ummm, cheddar or brie?

zipzipzipzip42 karma

RemindMe! of what I really am

zipzipzipzip14 karma

Oh get a room you two. And a camera.

zipzipzipzip6 karma

You were the highlight of Glastonbury for me last year and you all looked a little surprised at the reaction, was there a time or a gig where you thought that you are really connecting with people and the band could go on and do big things?