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zasabi7272 karma

Following up on this, are you worried about the blank space on your resume, or have you been interning, etc on the side of camming?

zasabi710 karma

I'm obviously not the doctor and I didn't particularly care for his answer to your other question, but I can tell you that determination can get you far! That said, be realistic about your goals. You need to start with the same foundations as everyone else. Build up your understanding of math. Don't just memorize formulas for the sake of it. Understand why these formulas exist. What physical aspect of the world are they representing? What happens to your model of the world when you change some small things? Once you understand how the world works, then you can start questioning why it works.

As for resources, I'm not the best person to ask. First, you need to clearly define your goals. With clearly defined goals, you can then ask more targeted question of how can I go about learning X. Take /r/learnmath for example. Go make a post there and tell them your current proficiency in mathematics. Don't be embarrassed! Everyone starts somewhere and they won't judge you. There is literally a subreddit for every topic you could want to learn. Just Google "subreddit learn blah" to see results.

Secondly, you need to be realistic with your time. Learning is a dedicated task. Set aside time for it.

Thirdly, you need to be mature. Maybe a concept won't immediately click for you. That's okay! Take the time to explore it, maybe visit another topic to give your brain time to digest it in the background. You'll get it eventually. And ask for help!

Sorry if it sounded like I was condescending there, that is not my intention. I want you take your thirst for knowledge and turn it all the way up! Start with whatever level of math you are comfortable with. Once you get through Algebra, consider Algebra based physics. Once you get through calculus 1, go back to Algebra based physics and exam the formulas. You should see some interesting correlations. Then dump Algebra based physics and do the real thing. That may seem redundant, but it's how I learned. As for chemistry, ask someone else, cause I don't know. Good luck!

zasabi79 karma

My new company uses WF for 401k. Should I just go elsewhere and get my own?

zasabi75 karma

And word of mouth, which is what the score ultimately replaced

zasabi73 karma

Forever GO BLUE! Giving back to the community, that is the Michigan difference. Wish you all the best, fellow Wolverine.

Question: Is Denard as goofy and loveable behind the scenes as he is in interviews and what not?