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trisw19 karma

I am in the defense world - I cant seem to find a recruiter to rep me. Thing is, is that I am one of those civilian contractors, with no prior service, so that means that I am getting passed over quite a bit for openings as there is incentives for veteran status placements. I have been a contractor for quite some time, but since the cutbacks, I am low man on the pole when it comes to workforce.

Skill set is instruction/e-learning/training.

trisw2 karma

Ehh- does this effectively mean this sub is going back to what it used to be - before the PR machines got a hold of it? Where we got janitors and bakers and people with multiple body parts doing ama's and got to really find interesting things out vs just movie promoting spam?

trisw1 karma

Since there has been 153 deaths of captive orcas and 4 deaths of humans from captive orcas and zero human deaths from wild orcas, shouldn't the term Killer Whale be retired?

trisw1 karma

Are you gonna get the rights to Billy Joel's Downeast'r Alexa for the theme song?