Highest Rated Comments

therealsteve841 karma

Seriously. You look good, bro.

therealsteve7 karma

So obviously mental illness is a serious issue no matter who is suffering, but it seems like it would be of particular concern when paired with positions of extreme power and responsibility (like, for example, an armed LEO).

You offhandedly mention "Due to the culture in Law Enforcement, I convinced myself I was okay". Do you think that your situation is common? Do law enforcement officers tend to resist acknowledgement of their mental health problems? Do you think this impacts their ability to do their jobs?

I guess I'm really just asking for your assessment of the scale of this problem. Put more bluntly: are there tons of jumpy, irritable, and heavily-armed cops running around on too little sleep?

Hmm. That might have been too blunt.

therealsteve3 karma

I love The Postman, though I suspect this is entirely because I read the book first, and loved it to death. Ditto pretty much everything you've ever written. Especially the uplift trilogies. I've noticed that none of your other books have been made into major movies (that I know of. Correct me if I'm wrong), despite a vast plethora of viable candidates.

Is this an active choice on your part? Would you consider pursuing the possibility of getting one of your books made into a movie, in the future?

therealsteve2 karma

DAMMIT you totally stole my question! Pulled it right out of my brain.

therealsteve2 karma

Yikes. Well, thank you for your answer and for your service.