Highest Rated Comments

tgriffith199211 karma

The real life Gildaroy Lockhart right here.

tgriffith199210 karma

Thank you all for participating in my first AMA. I enjoyed answering your questions and wish I could have answered more.

Then why didn't you?

tgriffith19928 karma

You realize he's sitting at a computer with internet, yeah?

tgriffith19922 karma

Most say that you should look for multiple sources on the same event to come up with a conclusion on your own. What are sources you tend to check first when it comes to verifying the validity of different claims?

Thanks again for all you all do. I sent my mom the episode with the Mike Levin interview since she's in his district. Hoping her and the community can pull through down there!

tgriffith19921 karma

Hey Eddie!

Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. I've recently started writing and interviewing artists for a young online music magazine called SRO (Standing Room Only) Mag. What's some advice you could give me, a huge hard rock and heavy metal fan with minimal interview experience, in regards to covering bands?

Shameless plug, but if you have a minute, check us out over at sromaginc.com ! Thanks again, Eddie!