Highest Rated Comments

snarksneeze166 karma

He ran out of oxygen. It happens, especially when the diver is exhausted and the assistants (if there are any) are not properly checking his or her equipment regularly. It could have been simple negligence but more than likely it was equipment failure such as a small hole in the line or a bad gauge that read more gas than was available. As for the diver, he may have known and attempted a short dive anyway, but if he was deliberately hyperventilating to make short dives his body wouldn't have recognized the CO2 build up until it was too late.

snarksneeze152 karma

So basically she looks like how she tastes. I should have seen that one coming

snarksneeze130 karma

OP plz

snarksneeze121 karma


snarksneeze111 karma

"Qualified Immunity" is on the face meant to prevent our police from being arbitrarily sued for minor incidents while on the job. Unfortunately it is often used to protect an officer from legitimate criminal and civil complaints when they deliberately break the law. The old saying, What's good for the goose is good for the gander, should apply here yet they are continually allowed to ignore laws that they violently arrest private citizens for breaking. It's patently unfair and thanks to social media it is getting a good hard look these days instead of being swept under the rug.