Highest Rated Comments

skysplitter268 karma

I love that you're CAPLOX angry about this!

skysplitter40 karma

Enquiring minds want to know- what's for dinner?

skysplitter23 karma

Sometimes when there's nothing we can really do, Reddit sends pizza. Not money, just pizza. It ain't magic, but it's something :)

skysplitter14 karma

Chef, is it your secret ambition to rock some Johnny Bravo hair?

skysplitter4 karma

Damn, you've just given me a reason to watch the History Channel! Also, kudos on The Old Man and the Old Moon, it was captivating and ridiculously imaginative.

But if you're still answering questions- favorite places to eat in Pittsburgh? I'll be back there for a wedding and haven't been there since college (although I was up near Lake Erie).