Highest Rated Comments

sethmoulton481 karma

The internet has always been free and equal and needs to remain that way! I think these guys have a good take on it: http://www.collegehumor.com/video/6980368/why-net-neutrality-matters-and-what-you-can-do-to-help

sethmoulton402 karma

A lot of people think that the military is all conservative, all Republican, but that's not true. Today's volunteer military has people of all political stripes. When I came back from the war, people asked if my liberal views had changed, and if I go down issue by issue, from gay rights to abortion to the environment, my views are the same. What's different is that I understand the other side better now. And I think that's important to being able to get things done in Congress.

sethmoulton307 karma

Flattered, but I'm just running for Congress!

sethmoulton173 karma

Thank you. I think courage is exactly what's missing from Congress today. People often ask why so many people in Congress are stupid. I don't think they're stupid--I just think they don't have the courage to speak the truth when it's not politically convenient.

sethmoulton123 karma

There's way too much money in politics. Rep Tierney gets almost half his funds from PACs and special interests in Washington, DC. As of 3 months ago, he took money from 173 different PACs! Our campaign is a grassroots campaign with all our support coming from individual donors.