Highest Rated Comments

robbd725 karma

Thanks for finally getting never Not Funny to go free! Can we expect you back this season? And who do I have to talk to about making you 3rd chair?

See you in Chicago next month. You might see me, I'll be a guy in the crowd. Keep an eye out, or 2. Party on!

robbd712 karma

Big fan of your work, from the Exorcist to Bug. What made you decide to go with NC17?

Also, many people I know felt misled by the trailer for Bug, the film is much more dark and brooding than the trailer portrayed. Do you agree?. Do you have any stories of battling with networks over marketing or perhaps what you had to go through to get your film released in NC17?

Thank you again for doing this.

robbd79 karma

Hi Jimmy! Primo member of the podcast here. Obviously you have a history of TV hosting jobs and podcasting but standup is where you got your start.

  1. Who are your favorite young standups nowadays?

  2. Do you think we are in another comedy bubble like the late 80s and it will crash?

  3. Can you describe the transition in your standup from scripted jokes to crowd work?

robbd72 karma

I can't wait for the screening in Chicago in March. Any chance of doing a set in Chicago while you're here?

Also, any more voice work we should keep an ear out for? Take care Eddie, I'm a big fan.