Highest Rated Comments

rednib108 karma

How do you ship out the bricks on brick link? I just picked up the biggest yard sale lego find of the year and i have a bunch of 80's early 90's space and city lego pieces I'm looking to off load but the shipping part is something I can't figure out to make it worth selling individual pieces.

rednib66 karma

That means there will always be someone getting fired. Someone will always be the last 10% in a system like this. That's a fucking horrible place to work.

rednib4 karma

What is the name of the law firm?

rednib3 karma

Try a Firewalla, it's basically pfsense with an easier to use interface.

rednib2 karma

Why are so many companies able to hide their responsibility behind "the algorithm"? The code didn't write itself and teams of developers work together to document and review every single line of code that ends up on the production side of YouTube. Why are tech companies allowed to hide behind this falsehood that their "algorithm" is some how out of their control and they're powerless to stop it? Do you plan on following up with developers at YouTube and pressing them on the internal process? Or do anything from a responsible reporting perspective stop allowing tech companies to claim ignorance or avoid accepting responsibility for how their own software works?