Highest Rated Comments

reddit45544 karma

which outcome provides the most scientific benefit?

which one contributes more to our collective brain?

the millions of simulations that fail


the one that solves the problem

wasn't viagra a hair loss drug with an "unfortunate" yet common side effect identified during trials :P

is the AI looking for "alternative uses"?

reddit45535 karma

start here and tweak to taste.


reddit45525 karma


"In December, Obama designated “the vast majority of U.S. waters in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas as indefinitely off limits to offshore oil and gas leasing,” and promised to review drilling through a “climate” lens."

all those countries you mentioned have a stake up there. The seas mentioned are basically east and west of Alaska.


reddit4555 karma

dude.. ever TRY to ice skate? that's all it ever took me..

it's not a balance thing, I can roller skate/blade...

reddit4555 karma

Do you know any Code Talkers?

(part of WW2 History that really needs to be told more). I read a book about Chester Nez - helped develop the Navajo code we used to fool the Japanese.

Despite the racism (go to white school, get beaten for speaking Native language).. they signed up for a mission where they knew they would never be allowed to be taken as prisoners.


 (b) So successful, that some Code Talkers were guarded by fellow marines whose role was to kill them in case of imminent capture by the enemy;

