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plebsareneeded-85 karma

Any plans to open a burger joint with a extra special meat source?

plebsareneeded-26 karma

Freakonomics had I believe the intended impact on myself of realizing that economics didn’t have to be boring. Thus Freakonomics had an impact on the economics degree that I just finished in April. Thanks for that. I am also unemployed and I am unsure what to do with my degree. Thanks for that as well.

I love the podcast though and just received notice that my Think like a Freak pre-order just shipped, so thanks for the many hours of entertainment and countless tidbits of knowledge that make me appear knowledgeable.

This is more a question of for Levitt, but have you found much negative backlash from Economics professors that don’t think you do “real” research and or somewhat jealous of your large success while the “real” research don’t get any attention? I had a Prof who’s belief was somewhat along those lines.

Thanks for doing this AMA and would be great to get Levitt on as well. I am curious of his thoughts of Reddit.

plebsareneeded-20 karma

If you had to spend 39 days in a Survivor scenario but with no voting out, just surviving, what survivors would you want to be with?

You also need to get Rob C drunk and then trick him into doing a podcast.