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pheature4 karma

Yes I’m sure I could but I do like him he’s helped me a lot if I’m honest I’ve never asked directly for anything ive kinda just showed him the information hoping he could help me more than just the epilepsy medication which haven’t been working as good as what I’ve wanted, If there is other therapy’s could you suggest a few? Currently I am stuck in my home and never really leave due to them hence the agrophobia

pheature4 karma

Hi I have epilepsy and currently take 1200mg 2x daily of Epilim I normally take 3-4 seizures a week But what I want to ask is when I read online I can exactly pin point my issue which is panic attacks and anxiety plus a bout of Agraphobia all combined but when I talk to my GP he never seems to want to give me anything like diazepam even thou it says in many places that these drugs for epilepsy can actually work wonders, I am just wondering if he should actually be giving me those or is it better not to be on sedatives at all? Thanks for doing this btw

pheature2 karma
