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onlyindarkness3 karma

Hi Dr. Stevens, I discovered your book yesterday and am just over half way through. Do you think all adults suffering from chronic childhood trauma will eventually be healed/rehabilitated if they continue working in therapy? I had a breakdown after graduating from college and school was always my life-line. The people around me are so confused why I made it 22 years and then everything hit me - they just don't get it.

onlyindarkness1 karma

Sending you so much love back <3 I've cried along with you while listening to your book. You've really inspired me and through your book, I have finally found a purpose in my life - to continually heal and recover for the rest of my life. It gives me strength and purpose. Not too long ago, I resigned myself to a life of disability and living like a recluse waiting for death. One day when I am strong enough, I want to be a psychologist specialized in childhood trauma. Thank you for all of the work you have been doing to share our stories that need to be told!

onlyindarkness1 karma

Thank you so much for sharing your perspective! I have found similar relief with acceptance and mindfulness (learned via DBT).

onlyindarkness1 karma

Hi Dr. Stevens, I have another question (if you have time to answer). According to WHO, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. What's your take on why depression is so widespread these days? It can't all be from chemical-imbalances can it? In cases where childhood trauma is a factor, I believe depression is a symptom of the trauma. How do you think societies should address this growing phenomena - clearly the conventional methods aren't enough. Personally, I am a huge supporter of therapy but sometimes even combined with medication, it doesn't seem to be enough for the severity of trauma that many of us have gone through.