Highest Rated Comments

notaguyinahat3 karma

Hi. What prompted the move to your new indie project? I'm sure the Arkane team is still hard at work, and it's not like they won't have use for your talents in the future. Why is your new project so compelling to you that you would leave a steady job?

notaguyinahat3 karma

Makes sense. Best of luck!

notaguyinahat1 karma

Sounds awesome. Somehow I missed battleblock theater, as well, I'd best catch up!

notaguyinahat1 karma

Hi guys, I have been a fan of your work for what feels like ages now. Congrats on the release! My question is actually regarding what you plan to do next now that the remaster is finished? Do you intend to make some cool new franchise soon? A sequel to one of your current IP? Here's hoping we see whatever you're working on soon!