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neilk293 karma

I'm a layperson, so perhaps I don't know what you mean by compulsion, but I don't agree with your diagnosis that his shame is the major issue. He's not ashamed of wanking off every now and then, he's ashamed of it because he's lost control of his behavior.

I have some familiarity with sex-positive culture but this has always bothered me, how it sometimes just thoughtlessly reacts against the prejudices of mainstream culture. Do we have to go to the other extreme and say that porn is never bad? Even a little bit?

Could it could be bad for some people? Or could the massive availability of porn be an issue, for some? Or could the kind of porn that tends to be produced en masse be particularly desensitizing?

Everything else that gives pleasure has its addicts. If you don't like that term, let's say it's possible to fall into an unhealthy pattern.

P.S. I kind of see mainstream porn as like high fructose corn syrup. It's an industrial product that is designed to hit your body's reward systems hard, it's mixed into everything now, it's available in large portions at low cost, it's marketed in ways that make addiction seem cool, and all this plays havoc with some people's biology. But that doesn't mean we condemn every birthday cake. We can be more discriminate in our response.

neilk21 karma

According to the KUBARK interrogation manual, the truth serum thing is a psychological trick. For a detainee who just wants the whole thing to end, they can tell themselves that they couldn't resist the truth serum.


But that was 1963. I still doubt that there are any drugs that can selectively target a cognitive function such as lying.

neilk20 karma

It sounds like you are sedating the patient but in a more specific way. Are there downsides? What if an actual emergency or danger arises - do the patients have blunted responses?

neilk14 karma

As the name suggests, Google's End-to-End encrypts the body of the email. It is stored and sent that way.

“End-to-end” encryption means data leaving your browser will be encrypted until the message’s intended recipient decrypts it, and that similarly encrypted messages sent to you will remain that way until you decrypt them in your browser. -- http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.ca/2014/06/making-end-to-end-encryption-easier-to.html

However, the subject and other headers are in plaintext. So you could still search on that. And, the NSA can get all your metadata (who you are talking to), which is in many ways more valuable to them than the contents.

neilk10 karma

It was a promotion for a new beer called Molson Ice. Some genius decided that therefore there should be a concert in an icy wasteland. It was called the Molson Ice Polar Beach Party. I remember this very well as a television event in Canada, in the mid-90s.

Youtube video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fX4dh7cDzw

Wikipedia article on Tuktoyuktuk - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuktoyaktuk

This guy claims to have thought up the whole promotion - http://www.myrightfoot.net/?tag=molson-ice-polar-beach-party