Highest Rated Comments

myaltaccount333174 karma

Wrong. Nestle is a special case because they are the only ones who planned to have moms choose between going bankrupt or having their child starve to death

myaltaccount33395 karma

For those interested in a comparison: It took Netflix 7 years to become profitable. It took 10 years for them to make their first billion. Their latest billion took just over a month.

myaltaccount33313 karma

Have you ever broken a bone and if so what was the healing process like? Would it be faster than the average persons? Longer?

myaltaccount3336 karma

I believe it should read 10th (today)

myaltaccount3335 karma

Why would the coroner have that power though? Why not a DA or Psychiatrist or hell, some random fuckin farmer out of the middle of nowhere?