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mrventures5 karma

Do you have any advice for game development educators in terms of providing students with the experience of working on large code bases? I find that often in the classes I'm teaching that the students are working on very small, bespoke indie projects. Which from a coding standpoint is a very different experience than working within an established code base.

mrventures3 karma

What are some games (of any media) that you recommend for people who want to broaden their horizons when it comes to understanding what games can do and what games can be. I know that. For example, when it comes to board games, a lot of people have only played Scrabble and monopoly. Do you recommend any games to serve as a gateway into the deeper thinking that your book is about?

mrventures3 karma

Any advice for a first-time author in the space of creating a book for game development? Specifically, I would love to know your insights on approaching publishers with the hope of one day making a paperback version of a "how to pass game development interviews" book that I'm working on.