Highest Rated Comments

mazing_azn7 karma

Any data or self-reported surveys that show lottery playing was decreased by using Yotta instead? Have had multiple friends who have family addicted (but won't admit it) to scratchers or pick-six looking for anything to curtail those habits.

mazing_azn2 karma

Why do you think Shadowrun struck such a cord in Germany? I'm US-based and am curious/jealous at how much larger the fans seems to be over there.

A friend of mine, whose played since first edition, even overheard a random group of tourists riding a the train from an airport discussing the game.

mazing_azn2 karma

I've been to a penguin rookery before. They are like any other bird in that they shit everywhere. When the wind shifts the wrong way you get nailed by this feces + ammonia smell that makes you want to die.

mazing_azn1 karma
