Highest Rated Comments

maceireann8 karma

Wow, relevant username. Or not?

maceireann3 karma

hey there /u/snorrislol I saw your comment and just wanted to see if you could answer my question?

When the 2013 Savar building collapsed, it really opened my eyes to the true cost of cheap goods. What is an average consumer to do? I try not to buy from the worst offenders and do a bit of research on who that might be, but how can I ever really know? When Patagonia or whoever sells $50 T-Shirts, is that really the true cost of fair labor?

I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are studying but if you have any input, I'll take it.

maceireann2 karma

Hi Doug, I have a great Patagonia backpack that fell apart and was replaced without hesitation at the store in Georgetown, Washington, DC. I really appreciate the lifetime guarantee and the commitment to quality goods. Pack #2 is holding up quite well.

My questions is: Can consumers trust statements regarding fair-trade and cruelty free supply chains from larger apparel manufacturers? How hard is it for manufacturers, such as Patagonia, to make these statements with certainty?

maceireann1 karma

Is it in use for the design of Google fiber networks?

maceireann1 karma
