Highest Rated Comments

lovelybone938 karma

Hey, great you're doing this AMA! I actually have a deaf father. My question is, how can I communicate with him better? (My jaw is kind of messed up, his lip-reading skills aren't excellent and neither of us know sign, but I did come up with a bastardized form of finger-spelling)

lovelybone938 karma

Dr. Wolff, you answered some of my questions in your last AMA, and appreciate the chance to ask more.

Dr. Wolff, do you agree more with Harvey or Kliman about the LTRPF crisis theory debate? Or is there a better alternative to those regarding capitalism's crises today?

Also, again regarding Luxemburg and her critique of cooperatives in the context of capitalism, saying that it's not enough for these islands of socialized production in the context of capitalism, since they have to submit to the dominant system. How would you use the WSDE system in order to end the capitalist mode of production and bring in socialism instead of it turning into co-op capitalism where workers just exploit themselves?

lovelybone936 karma

Ah, it's not really helping dad, though, but thank you anyways! (Seriously he says it's like a fucking drumline, or ringing, or buzzing)

lovelybone936 karma

Thank you, I'll definitely have to learn basic signs, then! Also, what can you recommend for tinnitus, since dad has that CONSTANTLY.

lovelybone934 karma

Yes, not too much they can do for him, his hearing's totally gone, and the only thing that can help him is a CI (according to their expert opinions), but his insurance doesn't pay for it.