Highest Rated Comments

jjake101120 karma

  1. If you could return to North Korea and do one thing, what would it be?

  2. Have you read the book (or seen the films) '1984' by George Orwell, What did you think of it?

  3. If the two Koreas unify under a democratic government, would you return to the north?

  4. How do you think North Korea would react if a defector became president of South Korea? Do you think it's possible?

  5. When you were a prisoner, what was it that motivated to find a way to get out?

jjake10143 karma

Sorry for the question dump, but...

  1. What actions would you take to put a stop to mass surveillance and protect (and enhance) civil liberties?

  2. Will the Green Party take any steps to stop political correctness from stifling freedom of speech and freedom of expression?

[edit] Deleted Q3, Q4 & Q5

jjake10115 karma

Can we have some screenshots of the 'Client States Creator'?

With client states, will we be able to release them as full independent states or are we stuck with them or are we stuck with them like with satellite states in Victoria 2?

Will we be able to choose the gov't type, primary culture and religion of client states we create?

jjake10115 karma

Can we have Kurdistan as a releasable nation? with cores based on this?

jjake10110 karma

Anyone that trusts anything in the 14-eyes to be private is in for a shock.

Its the same reason why I use NordVPN which is based in Panama and when people advertise US based VPNs im just like... errrm... how about no?