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jaldarith168 karma

Until you have removed one yourself or helped a doctor remove them, you wouldn't understand, but they are pretty much grapes.

jaldarith14 karma

This is why I am getting an advanced directive. If I'm too expensive to take care of, or not at a mental capacity so I end up being a burden to my loved ones, I'd rather they just let me go. Not for the costs, but for peace.

I work in radiology in a predominantly retiree community, and more often than I'd like to admit, I see a family keeping a loved one alive for selfish reasons. It breaks my heart that they want them on this rock for a few extra weeks, when there's not anything more you can do for them.

Didn't mean to ramble on this long, but it's an amazing question!

jaldarith4 karma

A good friend of mine passed away at age 24 about a year ago due to cystic fibrosis complications. She had other underlying conditions as well that didn't help the prognosis, and was unable to find a donor.

I don't want this to seem morbid, but how "serious" is your case, and have the doctors given you a good prognosis?

Bonus: You remember that Katy Perry video at the Children's Hospital? The "star" (community appointed) of the show has Cystic Fibrosis, and people were wondering why she was in a children's hospital--she actually responded that not all illnesses are easily seen on the outside.

jaldarith2 karma

It means thank you.

jaldarith1 karma
