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isitme_or_isityou3 karma

Hi Katie I must say you are a courageous woman... And your outlook towards life is simply mind blowing from the replies you've made on this post!!! I understand you've done extensive research on your options...but, in case you didn't come across Ayurveda ( http://m.gulfnews.com/life/health/ayurveda-approach-towards-diabetes-1.1217613) I would say give it shot.... I recently heard about the use of a vine-like herb which managed to reduce diabetic levels for many people in under a week... And I'm looking forward to see you do your next AMA to tell how you overcame your body's limits.... Lots of prayers and wishes!

isitme_or_isityou2 karma

Did you personally engage in executing enemy soldiers? I understand killing for survival is one thing... But did you feel the war was unnecessary? Did you hesitate for taking the life of another fellow being?

isitme_or_isityou1 karma

Hi Jun... Glad that you were able to pull yourself out from an oppressive environment and did not lose hope after your first attempt. I'm interested to understand, what is it that holds N. Korea together? What keeps the supporters of the regime going especially those who do not side due to fear. What makes them feel they are not oppressed? What is the awe factor of the supreme leader that is still holding the country together? And, what exactly are people like yourself fighting against? What will you do differently to change the situation in N. Korea?