Highest Rated Comments

iamthejef644 karma

As a former college student and avid Halo 3 player, Adderall is absolutely a PED.

iamthejef237 karma

"what's this shit about you like to cut your wrists too? I say that shit just clownin' dog c'mon how fucked up is you?"

iamthejef60 karma

Forbes has fallen so, so far. What used to be a trustworthy source now spews nothing but the most poorly written garbage.

iamthejef56 karma

Everybody knows it's a taco

iamthejef29 karma

Have you seen a purple mattress? It looks weird as hell. Like no other mattress you've ever seen. I'd guess that's what makes it a "specialty"; it just doesn't fit in any other category. It's also insanely expensive.