Highest Rated Comments

gweeds69 karma

Big fan. Thanks for the AMA. Are there currently any projects you would like to do but you're waiting for the tech to catch up?

gweeds3 karma

You know what, you're right. He has 5M total views. Let's say he made 30k in the year and a half he has had the channel... He would gave to get paid $6 for every 1000 views... Which is unheard of.

Something isn't adding up here. Maybe he has some referral thing going with marvel unlimited?

gweeds2 karma

Yeah... I'm in the same boat. If I were to bust my butt and release a vid every week I would maybe make $300 a month with the numbers I usually pull (around 60k views per). It makes it hard to motivate myself to make content.

I guess the key is easily produced, quickly made videos that would allow you to churn out a few a week. Probably why those quick cut vlog type vids are so popular now.

The OP has a respectable amount of subs, not crazy high, but he seems to pump out a lot of videos. It's pretty inspiring, actually... To see someone take a small, niche channel like this and figure out a way to make enough money on it to live. Makes me want to fire up premiere.