Highest Rated Comments

griffincorg132 karma

When that occurred, was it considered too late into the discovery of your cancer? How did you know it wasn't hemmorhoids initially instead?

griffincorg40 karma

Thanks for answering. I had an uncle (not blood related) who passed away from colon cancer. Wishing you luck on your journey.

How long did it take before you thought "hey, this isn't normal..I need to see a doctor about this" ? I had some hemmorhoids and usually it gets better after using some cream, but I do feel at times I have IBS or something a bit more scarier like cancer.

griffincorg18 karma

Hey man, hope things have changed for the better for you and that the journey ahead may be tough, but I hope you won't go back to prison again.
Do you feel paranoid that your drug boss or someone else might be out to get you? Or do you ever feel that if you turned them down and don't intend to distribute again, that could rub them off the wrong way?

griffincorg2 karma

So...what happens to the molecules and cells and everything that make up Ant-Man once he shrinks down to the quantum realm? Doesn't that make it even more subatomic compared to their environment??

Also, how does the idea of this subatomic universe exist relative to the world that we're in? Isn't it such a specific location..like, is the very specific, small instance of where Kang is just floating in the space underneath where Hank Pym's basement is?

griffincorg2 karma

Hi, I saw some of the other questions involving kids not knowing what line of work that their parents (aka you and your colleagues) do..so my question is this. How do you and your coworkers, after completing your tenure at the company, decide to explain your line of work on a resume + interview?? I'm pretty sure it's not professional to say "I used to work at PornHD."

Also, how did you end up convincing yourself to getting into this specific industry?