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goog1e19 karma

As someone who worked in hotels, ANY hotel can get them. They are brought in by people and there's no way to prevent that.

Whether they spread before being discovered has more to do with construction and housekeeping. So stay in more expensive places that do more detailed inspection between guests.

Or stay at a really old stone/brick/cinderblock built place, because they can't get through the walls as easily.

goog1e16 karma

Oh my god an "odd couple" with them!

goog1e10 karma

Given that answer, how do you feel about Nolan's "The prestige?"

goog1e1 karma

Can you comment on what's happening with "Molly" on the streets? Traditionally MDMA has been considered a psychedelic, but whatever is recently on the streets is clearly addictive.

goog1e1 karma

Love your show and your zest for life!

Do you have any favorite spots in the DC area?