Highest Rated Comments

geb_bce81 karma

Have you tried Datura Stramonium (aka Jimson weed)?

That stuff is the worst!!

I had a 1 on 1 conversation with my evil side trying to convince my good side to hang myself in the shower. And we were arguing our points back and forth.

Another friend got into a fist fight with a tree and shredded his hands all up.

Another friend was trapped on his couch b/c he thought he was in water and he can't swim (his carpet was blue).

Both other friends actually did this stuff again, but it was a 1 and done experience for me.

geb_bce22 karma

Definitely do not recommend.

geb_bce14 karma

I was literally fighting for my own life...idk how to explain it but I came damn close to convincing myself. If it hadn't been for my friend who trashed his hands on the tree coming into the bathroom to wash them, who knows what could have happened.

Definitely scared the ever loving shit out of me...I had never been suicidal or anything before that (and not since) so I didn't know where the hell it was coming from but I knew I never wanted to go there again so I never touched the stuff and warned anyone I knew who was considering it.

geb_bce11 karma

It grew all over my town too. The local university still has huge Jimson plants all over campus.

We discovered it by searching yahoo (this was pre-google days) for native plants we could hallucinate on. In hindsight we should have done a hell of a lot more research. Thankfully we all survived.

geb_bce3 karma

Ah I see now that was #7 on your list!