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esquemo5 karma

Fitness facility, healthy food training, and bicycle repair shop seemed like three great business ideas that would thrive in China (I got to visit a few years ago). Great job getting set up! How did you get such a good looking group of clients?

esquemo5 karma

Why are you so amazing? There’s my question, but good job for your courage and fortitude. You and your fellow cancer fighters got a raw deal but your bravery and stamina are inspiring. Also, thanks for sharing...and F C!!!

esquemo3 karma

I avoid homeless people because they seem dangerous. There are cases of homeless people harming or killing people, including children (Elizabeth Smart and Jaycee Dugard) come to mind. What’s would you recommend regarding direct interaction relative to this perception?

Also, do you, and why do you think this is a government or taxpayer problem to solve? They seem able to get to populated areas and mooch off of people, why can’t they earn a living instead of begging?

esquemo2 karma

Why not free Corvettes for everyone? This is madness, taking money from taxpaying hard-working Americans to give to college students. It is a pathetic agenda to take form the earners to give to those incapable of earning the money to pay their own way. They probably have a cell phone and transportation, so I would call it a budgeting problem. There are scholarships and grants for the truly needy. It seems like socialist BS, redistribution, with a sprinkle of feminism. It also goes against the American dream of equal opportunity. I am a University teacher, and do not support this idea.

esquemo2 karma

Great answers, thanks for your time. I agree with everything you said here, and look forward to your book. You chose a tough challenge, nice job! Looks like you’re going to make a difference in the world.