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disdkatster44 karma

What kind of cancer did your friends have and what did you have in common? (sorry if that is too personal - say so and I will delete).

disdkatster7 karma

I live in Spain part of the year and love to be there more which this would allow. The visa process is a real pain. Every time I have to renew my visa I have to go back to the place of records in the state I was married in to get proof I was married. I live in the USA where my home would be considered a mansion in Spain and yet the quality of life is better in Spain. You cannot imagine the stress that is eliminated from universal health care. Since stores are not open at all on Sundays and afternoons every day you actually are forced to stop and smell the roses. The first time it took a while to adapt but now I look forward to it. And yes, being able to go to France and other countries in Europe when I want is an added bonus.

disdkatster2 karma

Statistically I know this is possible but one always wonders. Humans like to find patterns. I hope this is the end of the bad luck in your life. I admire what you have done and am greatly impressed by it. May the adventures never stop giving you joy!

disdkatster2 karma

A side to this topic but does anyone know how much it cost to remove breasts or reduce them in size? How painful is it if you are not removing lymph glands? I know when you are young they are a big part of self image but I would love not to have mine. I'm 74. We actually had gym exercises in school where we chanted "We must, we must, we must develop our bust!". I have been 36C since my early 20s and now wish I were as flat chested as possible.

disdkatster0 karma

At that time in history territory lost in war became the territory of those who won. It may not be right by todays standards but that was what it was at the time. The Arabs sided with Hitler. The Israelis sided with the Allies. Many of the Jewish people living in what is now Israel before the war were brought in to reclaim the land which was considered a wasteland by Arab land owners. These Israelis bought and paid for this land. After the war the Allies partitioned the land won in the war making a Jewish homeland. They also created Jordan for whom we now call Palestinians. Don't forget that Jews in Arab lands were forced out of their ancestral homes without any compensation at all. It is a complicated history with bad and good on both sides but it seems Demonizing Jews has become fashionable once again.