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dcjeffrey2 karma

If you and Matty B Gordon could remake any ‘buddy’ movie or TV show, which would you pick?

dcjeffrey2 karma

With season 4, you mentioned that you questioned one of the writers’ decisions telling them that ‘Sam wouldn’t do that’. Were there any instances with filming this season (5 or 6) where that happened?

dcjeffrey2 karma

Okay, but do I get a long term prescription for Valium or just a sample pack?

dcjeffrey1 karma

This reminds me of something. When Marlo had her breakdown, Sam came to visit her at her house at the end of the day. He came in and she was sleeping. How did he get into her house? I can't see him exchanging keys with Marlo but did he?

dcjeffrey1 karma

So when exactly did Marlo go off her meds? Was it just before Christian was taken because that's when Nick and Andy got together?