Highest Rated Comments

daboose230 karma

Surgery can do really weird stuff to you mentally.

I had jaw surgery in December, and had to have my jaw banded shut for 4 weeks after.

Before the surgery, I figured it'd be unpleasant but I'd deal.

Afterwards... Cue the most intense anxiety, depression and, interestingly, anger, I've ever felt.

By the 3rd week, I was practically raving, threatening to remove my braces with pliers.

Also, dissolving Xanax tablets taste like bitter ass, even mixed with mango juice.

daboose96 karma

Dude who worked at a thrift store here:

Go to a thrift store. They have terrible prices for things like t shirts and shorts, but for dressier attire such as jackets, slacks, suits, etc, they're a great value.

Also, speaking from experience, you can find authentic, purple, feather trimmed pimp coats.

daboose91 karma

embrace the bone...

daboose50 karma

It's not perfect, but "Xbox1/10" is too unwieldy.

daboose6 karma

Since the AMA is over, I'm gonna ask you.

I'm starting a nursing program that will finish with my getting an ADN, a 2 year degree, but I will be a Registered Nurse. Are they looking for BSNs, or would an ADN suffice?