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cptgibbs4 karma


cptgibbs3 karma

lol I’m one of the folks laying down tracks a few miles ahead of the train you keep pushing to run faster, good luck man

cptgibbs3 karma

It’s pretty disingenuous to infer that if you’re not involved and considering ethics, that you’re a bystander in the market. You’re literally selling a product that’s incomplete by your own admission—and not even tangibly, but on a conceptual, drawing-board level—which means your audience is people that are primarily looking to make money, and secondarily care about AI. There’s nothing wrong with this, but you look like a fool trying to have your cake and eat it too by coming off like you’ve got any handle on ethical aspects whatsoever.

Non-bio and non-militarization are laughable guardrails when the vast majority of industry-standard software contracts that promise de-identification of personal data collected don’t even have a standard by which to objectively measure it (ie, it’s stupid easy, and getting easier, to reidentify data more because of technology precisely like yours).

Obviously you’re not open to others’ opinions on this exactly as you said in your first sentence, but every time you see a headline about how we’re falling further down a slippery slope with AI, you better damn well not fool yourself into thinking you’re not 100% part of the problem. You are literally ignoring an organic, personal concern of yours in order to make more money at the expense of other people. You can dress it up however you like, but at the end of the day that’s the only truth that matters here.

cptgibbs2 karma

Do you think it’s responsible to charge ahead without accounting for ethical considerations, even basic-ass ethics 101 questions like that one.

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that the overwhelming reason why ethical concerns aren’t further explored is that they have almost zero financial ROI (unless you count the money you’d be saving not having to deal with regulators, but why would you) - yet even you admit you personally share the concern and your best response is basically ‘yeah we have shown there’s reason for concern, oh well, here’s hopin! 🤷🏻‍♂️’

Can you explain why someone reading your above response, even someone that doesn’t work in an adjacent field, shouldn’t think you’re just another selfish, money-grubbing, (sorry) asshole for ignoring the things we’re all concerned about? Someone that actually has a chance to make a difference but is instead throwing up their arms and saying ‘yeah but damn think of all the MONEY.’

I’m posting this because everything here and in my experience tells me you need to stop selling, like fucking immediately, and you need to do the difficult but responsible work of setting a good precedent by developing a fulsome product. And I don’t mean this to sound cynical or presumptive, but please do not point to another company and say ‘well just look at what they’re doing though.’