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centsless43228 karma

What is your take on Nike and how it has affected the skateboarding industry. As a shop owner I feel like its been a bit of a snowball since Nike has been accepted into the skateboard world including shops closing due to resounding debt owed to Nike and other companies following Nikes lead, leading to a more standardized feeling of skateboarding as a "sport". A lot of people avoid the question because they have friends that are supported by Nike so I hope that wont happen here.

centsless4342 karma

I lived in Monrovia for 3 years while Samuel K Doe was still there, and it was one of the most surreal experiences I've ever had.

Sidenote: Can I also have a job?

centsless4318 karma

I always assumed it was just the three longest videos.

centsless439 karma

Any chance of EA Skate's control scheme or something similar being implemented into any of the THPS franchise games, since Blackbox games is no more?