Highest Rated Comments

calibwam36 karma

Hey John! I've read Paper Towns, and listened to the audio book of The Fault In Our Star, love them, and can't wait for the Paper Towns movie.

What was your favorite book when you were 25 (as I am now)?

calibwam25 karma

Hi, Mikko!

I saw you talk at Paranoia in Oslo last spring, and it was by far the best talk there. Was sorry that you couldn't stick around so I could meet you later that day.

What would your advice be to someone still in university that's looking at a job in infosec? And what is your favourite virus/malware?

calibwam4 karma

What was the most surprising thing you had to think about on the moon?

calibwam1 karma

What are your thoughts on the performance of electron? Is it sustainable if every app you're running is an entire browser?

calibwam1 karma

Do you think film photography has a place in the future of professional photography? And are any of you excited for the return of Ektachrome?