Highest Rated Comments

belgarion9092 karma

Father, what are some liturgical traditions that have fallen away in recent years (e.g. chanting responses) would you like to see brought back, and what are some you are glad are largely gone?

belgarion9023 karma

Have you joined the /r/Catholicism Steam group yet?

belgarion9018 karma

Fathers, what are your favorite hymns?

belgarion9015 karma

And as for Communion, we wee taught that when someone presents himself or herself in line you always give them Communion--you never know the state of their soul! So you don't turn away. Even someone whom you suspect is not "worthy" may have just gone to confession. As the Pope said, the sacraments are not for the perfect, but for all of us.

Father, how do you square that with Canon 915?

belgarion9014 karma

"Father of our Fathers" sound like it could make for a good hymn too. Too many hymns nowadays are what I'd call chick music.