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bbq_licorice12 karma

I have actually taken to messing with them saying we are a new business and then I yell violently at my assistant for giving me the wrong coffee order till they hang up.

bbq_licorice10 karma

Well I compensate my assistants very well afterwards, some kibble or scratch grains whichever one takes the brunt lol.

bbq_licorice8 karma

What was the most tame thing someone has ever asked you to say?

And was there anything you were were like what is wrong with you no way.

bbq_licorice6 karma

I am fairly certain the phone calls I get are generally scammers calling about a google business listing. So no help there and what not, BUT...

Any advice on keeping your name out of the lists most businesses call from?

bbq_licorice1 karma

I started watching sourcefed from the start it was a wondrous journey to behold. I have since stopped watching due to lack of time and what not I still love it just not enough time.

Okay my question what is the one video you look back on and cringe a bit and which one makes you beaming proud?