Highest Rated Comments

barriekansai245 karma

You know why they didn't report it, and so do I and everyone else. It's a game we all play called "Let's ignore reality so that others won't think less of us."

barriekansai55 karma

Of course they did. Such "people" tend to be tough when they are many and their victims are one.

barriekansai48 karma

Huge no-no. Opens the cruise line up to massive liability.

barriekansai14 karma

You don't seem like you want to listen unless it's the answer you want to hear.

barriekansai11 karma

But it was your race that made you a target. I admire you for being a better man than I believe I would be in that situation.

I hope your assailants are brought to justice, and more important, that you heal up with no lasting damage. That's a nasty pic!