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barrbarian8436 karma

I've never had the chance to ask someone with locked-in syndrome this question, but if you've ever seen the film 'The Diving Bell and The Butterfly' (it's based on the memoir of the same name by Jean-Dominique Bauby, the former editor of Elle magazine in France), I was curious: how accurate is the film's portrayal of the condition, more so from the emotional and psychological point of view?

barrbarian8419 karma

Besides your brilliant reporting over the decades, how does it feel knowing that you'll always be remembered as the man who single-handedly liberated Kabul?

barrbarian847 karma

Hi Ruby. Firstly I want to say that the work you have done to raise awareness of mental health issues and to encourage more of us to talk about them is remarkable and you, along with Stephen Fry, are a real inspiration. Thank you.

My question: Who paid for all the broken china after Jim Carrey's table cloth trick at The Dorchester? That interview is still one of the funniest things I think I've ever seen.

barrbarian843 karma

Hello Professor Nutt,

I haven't got a question. I just wanted to say how great it was to meet you at Cheltenham Science Festival a few years ago after a talk you gave there. I've been a huge admirer of your work and research for years now and as someone hoping to work in drug treatment and rehab, your insistence on evidence-based policy (which in turn leads to better understanding of how we treat addicts) is something that inspires me greatly. Keep up the good work.

barrbarian842 karma

Withnail & I is an absolute classic.