Highest Rated Comments

asdjfweaiv42 karma

So in other words, all the major PAC's of the food industry.

Surprise, surprise.

asdjfweaiv40 karma

Hi Dylan. I like spicy foods, but not too spicy. Can you recommend some sauces that have good flavor but won't blow my head off? For example, I really like the heat level in the chipotle flavored Tabasco sauce. That's just about perfect.

asdjfweaiv23 karma

Do you regret going the contractor route after your military service was over? I had the opportunity to do so but I turned it down for a regular 9-5 job, and now years later I still wonder if I made the right decision. Looking forward to reading your book!

asdjfweaiv16 karma

Yeah, that sounds great and is exactly why I regret not choosing the same path. Spent the last decade sitting in a cube wearing a shirt and tie and staring at a computer monitor for 9-10 hours a day. Although I'm happy with the stability and the money I make, it's not the most exciting or fulfilling way to live.

asdjfweaiv10 karma

Thanks man! I will definitely check those out.