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andreserm19 karma

No. There's a lot of people supporting the government right now but not the vast majority of the population. (According to some national and international studies).

I have been robbed 8 times in my life, 4 of those times in the last 16 months.

Toilet Paper, chicken, milk, cornmeal (IMPORTANT for the making of arepas), butter, rice, sugar, and some and some more.

Inflation is eating our souls, 56% in the last year and 3.3% in the last month. And i'm not telling you about the exchange control of our currency.

No, i think Maduro has its days counted.

No, i didn't support any of those.

No right now we are living through a media blockade where national and international tv channels are censored and even wiped out of the DirecTV broadcast.

Yes, but as time passes it is very hard to get away, it's so sad these things we are living. Thanks for Asking!

andreserm14 karma

Yes, today i went to a protest in my hometown and in some point people began to run becuase of the police and the national guard, i thought so much stuff about my family and my friends, thankfully nothing bad happened, and that's an example of many that i can give you. Thanks for asking.

andreserm12 karma

The comment of brandnewbodyspray is totally true, some people of the opposition are not giving the good example.

andreserm11 karma

A nightmare, if you go out to the streets at night or even very early in the morning you'll get robbed. If you go out in public transportation you'll see ridiculously large lines of people trying to get into the supermarkets to find some food and supplies. There's a group of people called "Bachaqueros" who smuggle these products to Colombia and leave us with nothing in the shelves of the grocery stores and market chains. I can stay for hours just telling you what kind of hell is this. Thanks for asking!

andreserm11 karma

Some say, some not. I don't really care if the CIA has to be related with that, here in my country we are living in a very hard situation for every venezuelan. We need help and solutions not theories.