Highest Rated Comments

amdriggers23510 karma

Can you explain the goals and concepts of Aid Still Required? Also, do you, yourself, train in MMA and would you ever consider getting into the octagon?

PS...I think you're the most gorgeous person EVER!!

amdriggers2354 karma

Is it hard to date with such a busy schedule? What types of guys do you go for? And what would someone need to do to get a date with the lovely Arianny??


amdriggers2352 karma

I'm sure you could kick some ass if you ever did compete! thanks for the answer and I will def donate :-)

amdriggers2351 karma

How do you feel about the current generation of body builders such as Phil Heath and Kai Greene? In my opinion, I feel like back in the "Pumping Iron" days, the bodies looked more symmetrical and natural than they do now. I still have the utmost respect for what current body builders go through and how they train but I feel like as the science of steroids and performance enhancers has increased, the bodies have become less natural looking. What's your opinion on it?

amdriggers2351 karma

What's something that most fans don't know about you that kind of "humanizes" you? (embarrassing story, funny quirks, etc.) Only asking because I'm sure 99% of fans think you're a goddess among mortals! (which you very well may be!)