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aintrovertchattabox8 karma

In my opinion I think it’s rare for a medical professional to give a true answer about how antipsychotics affect long term health because they are worried about people stopping their medication, but I think people should have true informed consent.

So with that all said, what do you think about long term treatment using antipsychotics?

(Edited to include everything within these parenthesis, if you scroll through this thread you will find some resources which show why I don’t believe medical professionals give a true answer about how antipsychotics affect long term health.

If you don’t read every source that I link & just downvote me based on preconceived ideas then you are part of the problem.

It should be up to the person taking the medication to decide what risks & side effects they are willing to take.

If a health professional is so scared of true informed consent what does that say about the medication?

Plenty of people know what I know & more people are becoming informed everyday.

Every time a Psychiatrist doesn’t truly inform someone & they find out elsewhere trust is broken that will NEVER be repaired & often this person will go on to tell everyone they know.)

aintrovertchattabox2 karma

How does the quality of natural sleep compare to medication induced sleep compare?

aintrovertchattabox-9 karma

Thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it.

After reading your reply I’m going to guess that you you have not seen all the credible research which now proves antipsychotics cause brain shrinkage.

I’m also going to assume that you have not seen all the negative experiences that I have seen regarding antipsychotics.

I know someone who died from taking “antipsychotics when clinically indicated and at the correct dose” so I would never refer to them as safe.

I have also witnessed thousands of devastating, crippling, sometimes permanent, life altering, nightmarish side effects from antipsychotics.

I can’t argue that they help some people, but even among the people they help, I would not consider antipsychotics safe.

Edited to include some resources for those down voting me.

Multiple resources showing antipsychotic brain shrinkage.

Here is a video from Dr Garrett Rossi.


I will also share Dr Garrett Rossi’s website.


Here are a few more resources,











Oliver McGowan DIED from Olanzapine also known as Zyprexa. Everyone should read his story which you can find below.


Also, I’m not bothered by these downvotes because they come with no counter argument. The silence speaks volumes.