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Ziddletwix22 karma

Except that blurb is present in the pilot episode... in the first season, it is made quite clear that he puts himself in these situations. He doesn't claim "I have to survive X days" or whatever, he's quite clear that he's showing off survival techniques.

Ziddletwix11 karma

It's worth pointing out that basically every electorate loves for things to be put to a referendum. The majority of German citizens are in favor for a referendum of leaving the EU, despite there being very little support for actually leaving the EU.

I'd also hesitate to use the 90% of Catalonians want a vote to mean that 90% were in favor of going through with this referendum. That is, those polls were conducted before the spanish government began the full crackdown and said this was illegal. For some on the fence, their harsh policies probably made the need for a vote all the more dire. But many who were against secession still would have said "Sure, put it to a referendum!" before it was outlawed, and then once the spanish government said that it wasn't allowed, agreed with them (after all, they do still support the administration in Madrid). Which is particularly why citing the results of this poll is pretty irrelevant. If you were against secession, you likely wouldn't believe the vote to be legitimate anyways (because the spanish government says so), so why legitimize it with a "No" vote. The turnout is more important, which is why of course the police put so much effort into stopping people from voting.

So in the end the widespread anger and demonstrations are what actually matter, because the turnout was likely compromised by the actions of the police (and on the flip side, their methods for counting valid votes were quite questionable anyways). The bottom line is that a month ago, the majority of Catalonia was against secession. This was the largest demonstration yet of that very vocal minority in favor of secession. The question is whether the actions of Madrid and the police helped move the needle at all. It's certainly drummed up some international sympathy, but it will be very interesting to see how the issue polls in Catalonia from here on out. It's hard not to imagine that the support for secession will increase, but it's not clear that it will break 50% (there's also something a little iffy about seceding from a country with no process for secession with only a scant majority... but that's a different matter to debate, and one without an easy answer).

Ziddletwix3 karma

Do you have any plans to improve the experience of players during their first few days on Solforge? My friends introduced me to Solforge, and I was quickly hooked. But nearly all of the progression is based on time, which was pretty frustrating for a new player. After playing through the first few campaign missions, I had nothing to do but wait. It's really hard to beat most of the later campaign missions without a solid deck built (and some understanding of the game), there's little point entering the online quene when you're using a starter deck (nor are there significant rewards), and I didn't have the event tickets to enter the first draft.

I think the daily rewards system is very reasonable once you get started with the game. I found those first couple of days very awkward, where I didn't yet have the cards to actually do any of the game content. I was interested enough in the game that I was willing to keep coming back to build up my collection, but I worry many interested new players would simply give up after completing those missions, and hitting that wall!

tl;dr: The initial start to progression in Solforge is very awkward, as most rewards are based on time. Do you have any plans to ease how it works to starting the game, so that more content is available for a first-day player.

Absolutely love the game. I'm very excited to hear about the card rebalance (especially with regards to later stage cards simply making early level cards totally obselete), I think a drastic change like that could seriously improve the game, even if it is awkward at first.