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Z0di432 karma

It's also in the show.

Z0di425 karma

You type like Aziz talks. Are you Aziz?

Z0di185 karma

I'm sure you could get him to give you the plans to build one of your own, then you can test it and we will all love to watch Buster become a bird.

Z0di163 karma

Sokka's greatest enemy is his boomerang.

Z0di100 karma

I put the blame on doug. He doesn't really have a set schedule and the segments are boring. "oh hey, 3000 people are watching, that's fun, right guys?"

or "high history" with the same guest every time they're on.

I think the show would work much better if he followed an entertaining format that works without relying on stories.

I honestly think "everyone take a hit until you cough" would be a better segment than the ones he has.