Highest Rated Comments

ToxinFoxen13 karma

Hi there! It's awesome hearing from a very intelligent, sexually liberated woman. I was wondering...

Do you have any solutions for a woman concerned over being discriminated against for showing any sort of sexuality, if she plans on running for political office one day? Not everyone can pull it off like Ilona Staller, for example.

ToxinFoxen6 karma

Mike Tyson visits
In ama, Unidan
shares pigeon pic

The circle is complete.

ToxinFoxen5 karma

It's not the answer I wanted to hear, but thank you for your honesty!

ToxinFoxen1 karma

How far would Obama be willing to go to make russia back down, and would raising the DEFCON level or giving nuclear ultimatums be something he'd have the guts to do?

ToxinFoxen1 karma

Would you mind explaining, in terms of game theory, how a completely transparent governance model would be compatible with mainstream liberal democracy?