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TheMisterTango80 karma

The closest thing to pro marching band is drum corps, and members pay out the ass to be in one. To audition alone can be several hundred dollars plus travel to and from camps. And that’s before you’re even a member. On average it’s ~$5000 to be in drum corps. I auditioned for a corps called bluecoats and just going to the camp cost like $450

TheMisterTango50 karma

The problem is even if you straight up seized the entire collective wealth of all US billionaires (approx $4.48 trillion) it would only fund UBI for about 1.5 years (my math is based on $1k/month to everyone age 18+ which would be about $3 trillion per year). What happens after that? I love the idea of UBI but I really struggle to see how it is even remotely financially viable without causing insane inflation.

TheMisterTango2 karma

Are you familiar with the clip of Penn’s daughter surprising him on the show, and knowing the inside structure of the show, do you think she genuinely fooled them or was it scripted to make good TV?

TheMisterTango2 karma

I’m not OP but I think the idea is that you give people enough to survive but not thrive. Most people don’t want to be living a lifestyle of only the bare necessities, and that’s basically all that UBI is supposed to afford you. If you want a higher standard of living you go to work to make the additional money you need to live better.