Highest Rated Comments

TheDrMonocle142 karma

I'm an air traffic controller, and can say theres absolutely zero way to tell if a plane flying is being flown by a licensed pilot or not. Every day there's hundreds of aircraft out in my airspace not talking to anyone, just doing their thing completely. Theres no way to check. The only time someone would have to avoid radar is if they were crossing the border. Otherwise you can fly around all day and nobody would know.

TheDrMonocle52 karma

Guard is basically an emergency frequency controllers and pilots are supposed to monitor. Its intended use is for emergencies. Aircraft not talking to ATC needing help, aircraft that lost contact with atc finding the correct frequency, etc. Things that enhance safety.

Unfortunately, 99% of what its actually used for is bored pilots talking shit, passing scores, or the most popular "meowing" literally like a cat.. on the frequency. For a while "lets go Brandon" was the hot thing to do too. Unfortunately, sometimes people just go nuts on this channel, and it can be a hot mess, especially if you need it for legitimate reasons.

TheDrMonocle39 karma


TheDrMonocle22 karma

Yep, we hate it too. We have to listen to it, and it's broadcasted on a speaker at our scope. Extremely annoying to listen to a buch of yahoos arguing or making ridiculous sounds while were working a heavy push. Wish there was something we could do about it.

TheDrMonocle8 karma

For prior military experience, the age limit goes to 35