Highest Rated Comments

TerriRunnelsReddit186 karma

Yeah, I think I gotcha...happy to "be there" for you! :D

TerriRunnelsReddit181 karma

HATED the name PMS, HATED, HATED that cheap angle!!! That was a Vince Russo special that I begged him to change...Vince McMahon sided with Russo on that one! CHEAP and not effective!

TerriRunnelsReddit145 karma

Dustin and I always went over to Harley and BJ Race's home to have his award winning chili. The night before the PPV we went over and Owen and I think Mick Foley came too. Harley had made a literal VAT of chili and he was very proud and protective of his bathtub full of red heaven! When Harley wasn't looking Owen went to change the ratio of hot sauce to chili and accidentally (I really don't think he meant to drop the whole bottle in the chili...maybe he did) added an entire bottle of hell's whispers to the blue ribbon pot! Needless to say when Harley realized it and when he finally caught Owen off guard the next day he USED his stun gun on Owen until tears where coming out of Owen's eyes! I really miss Owen! :(

TerriRunnelsReddit111 karma

You are welcome and yes, you learn not to sell that junk. I remember my Mom always saying..."Never let anyone know where your goat is tied...because they will get it every time!" So true! Plus, I equate those little people with pity and some laughter at their attempts to hurt others...reads "I am desperate to get some attention and you will help me achieve that plus I am a hurting soul and when I hurt others it seems to take away some of my pain!" That is what I think their subconscious is whispering to them. :( Poor little people...

TerriRunnelsReddit86 karma

"This is pretty funny!" and..."Are you serious I have to win it in a dress?"